FLEX - Friendship and Social Skills, Learning Skills, Executive Functioning

Our FLEX program combines explicit instruction and situational discovery to help students develop some of the most important skills needed in our rapidly changing 21stcentury.

FLEX utilizes the Tribes Learning Program, Mind-Up Curriculum and Social Thinking Curriculum, along with The Zones of Regulation to promote social and emotional growth, while incorporating the six key learning skills outlined by the Ontario Curriculum – Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative and Self-Regulation.

Through discussion, role-play, team-building exercises, cooperative games, organizational tasks and many other varied activities, students learn how to be respectful of differences, flexible in unforeseen circumstances, and resilient in the face of adversity.

The FLEX program at Junior Academy is reflective of our mission as an institution, where we strive to instill in students a growth mindset and a desire to become lifelong learners